Brilliant, Charlie. This one really sang to me. Keep slogging away at your system — even if you never catch up, it's worth it. And you will.

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Thank you Kerry, that means a ton to me! I'll keep it going 🫡

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Love it! I believe you've seen the effort I've put into my theatre database, my meticulous budgeting software, my Peloton fitness historical data, my charitable giving detailed analysis charts, my kids' travel logs, lately even my Apple Health mental health daily log - so you know I put much emphasis on the power of disciplined self data collection. Is it "worth it"?? Although some parts I occasionally question whether it's worth continuing, on the whole I'm so glad I have it as it drives many Future decisions. And you don't always know which ones are the most useful when you're collecting, but one day it may be. Get a good system and then stick with it!

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Yes…we need to hang in there. HUMILITY is what is required in successful leadership as that allows one to see the value in others, honestly look at flaws and take proactive steps for the good of the whole. While many criticize Carter’s presidency, he will forever remain my favorite president of all time because of his humility and sincerity of faith. My personal goal is not to continually lament the lack of humility in the current administration and try and work on me!

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Keep going with your system of categorisation - it seems like it will be tremendously useful. I suggest you stop reading new poetry and get on and finish it though. Otherwise you’ll be in a state of perpetual catch-up and that’s not good for the stress level. And You’ll enjoy reading new stuff so much more!

The Trump - Musk situation is a nightmare. A lot of irreversible damage is being done. But This will hopefully only last for four years. It might take a while to recover afterwards but good will rise and succeed the end.

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I think you’re right! At the very least, I need to dedicate at least an hour or so each week to it so that I can begin to close the gap :)

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Hi Charlie, I really liked seeing your color coded system! I have always felt the person who invented post it notes, particularly the "mini flags", is a candidate for potential canonization. But, I digress. I very much enjoyed your analogies of institutions/bureaucracies that highlights our overall need for them. Delving further into that philosophy, one could arrive at the conclusion of the infinite value, purpose and need for every human being. Seeing this mindset to its end, one can see the need of every person's contribution in life. The main poetry I read is whatever you post. I do, however, flag pages/verses in the Bible which I am studying in earnest this year. (Trying to eschew Catholic stereotypes!). Churches are extremely flawed, bureaucratic and plagued with problems of some who seek power over service. With that said, I hang in there and....try and stick to my "textbook" and do my best to honor human dignity in all. I will say...the more I read and study though, the more confounded and upset I become at those who claim the same Lord as I and have played a role in putting folks in office who support such terrifying and inhumane practices. Am I being judgmental? Yes, I suppose I am. But, your thesis that there is power and purpose behind imperfect institutions (certainly our government), brings me to the conclusion that all of us, within any institution, need to recognize that our purpose is to love and heal the greater whole and that our power is not from us.

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I loved your comment ❤️ I think it's easy for those who are overly skeptical of government institutions (it's good to be appropriately skeptical of them, by the way!) sometimes tend to forget that there are human beings behind them, and that any institution — be it Congress, or USAID, or a Church congregation — derives its power from a collection of people working together towards the same goal, and in so doing accomplish more than the sum of their parts. Critiques come from outside, and dissent and conflict happen within (including in a fair few of churches I've belonged to 🙃), but giving up on the institution entirely because it isn't perfect is a kind of defeat I'm not ready to admit.

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