Bloviation it is! I did not watch ANY of yesterday's coronation but I'm feeling very ill today as a result of his actions on Day One. And although he did NOT get a mandate, he and his ilk certainly act like it. Hopefully, his impending destructive objective will be held in check by a congress that has a few more profiles in courage than what they've demonstrated so far.
Besides being an interesting post, as always Charlie, I've learned a new word - bloviation. Thank you for that.
Having watched the votes from each State come in last year, while staying with my son in Nevada, I'm very switched on to the fact that t(his) victory is not a landslide at all. But the way he comes across to so many millions of people around the world, the impression he gives, is that he has the mandate of the people, that he is the chosen one, to 'make America great again'. We'll see. I'm not holding my breath over here in the UK.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Everyone I talk to seems to think that DJT is going to conjure up every conceivable horror, snap his fingers, and will it into existence within 15 seconds. First, his pea-sized, ultra-ADHD brain can't do that much conjuring. And while people think he's going to be Nicholas II with a bunch of Rasputins pulling the strings behind the scenes, he has no principles besides massaging his ego, and when he gets backlash on certain things (e.g., even a 20-week abortion ban), he's likely to turn tail, just like he did in his first.
Second, as you wrote, people still don't like him or the GOP. Dubya started his second term with a majority of the popular vote, a 33-seat majority in the House, and *11* seats in the Senate. By April 2005, after overreaching on Social Security and Terri Schiavo, he was finished domestically. Trump has a much smaller margin for error.
I'm not trying to minimize how much these next four years are going to suck (although given trends in Canada, Germany, and Australia, we're going to have a lot of company by year's-end). But for god's sake, if we're going to accuse him (rightly) of malice, bigotry, narcissism, any other litany of horribles, can we also accuse him (rightly) of incompetence?
Well, mandate or not, he's got the presidency, and the confidence of 77M Americans who had to know he's not going to be afraid to use it and had all the knowledge of what a Trump presidency is, not to mention what seems to me to be a more general acceptance of the Trump Reality from his own and his opposite parties that I don't recall seeing in '16 or definitely not Jan '21. I just don't foresee much being held back with 77M vs. say if he got 97M. We'll see.
Bloviation it is! I did not watch ANY of yesterday's coronation but I'm feeling very ill today as a result of his actions on Day One. And although he did NOT get a mandate, he and his ilk certainly act like it. Hopefully, his impending destructive objective will be held in check by a congress that has a few more profiles in courage than what they've demonstrated so far.
Besides being an interesting post, as always Charlie, I've learned a new word - bloviation. Thank you for that.
Having watched the votes from each State come in last year, while staying with my son in Nevada, I'm very switched on to the fact that t(his) victory is not a landslide at all. But the way he comes across to so many millions of people around the world, the impression he gives, is that he has the mandate of the people, that he is the chosen one, to 'make America great again'. We'll see. I'm not holding my breath over here in the UK.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Everyone I talk to seems to think that DJT is going to conjure up every conceivable horror, snap his fingers, and will it into existence within 15 seconds. First, his pea-sized, ultra-ADHD brain can't do that much conjuring. And while people think he's going to be Nicholas II with a bunch of Rasputins pulling the strings behind the scenes, he has no principles besides massaging his ego, and when he gets backlash on certain things (e.g., even a 20-week abortion ban), he's likely to turn tail, just like he did in his first.
Second, as you wrote, people still don't like him or the GOP. Dubya started his second term with a majority of the popular vote, a 33-seat majority in the House, and *11* seats in the Senate. By April 2005, after overreaching on Social Security and Terri Schiavo, he was finished domestically. Trump has a much smaller margin for error.
I'm not trying to minimize how much these next four years are going to suck (although given trends in Canada, Germany, and Australia, we're going to have a lot of company by year's-end). But for god's sake, if we're going to accuse him (rightly) of malice, bigotry, narcissism, any other litany of horribles, can we also accuse him (rightly) of incompetence?
Well, mandate or not, he's got the presidency, and the confidence of 77M Americans who had to know he's not going to be afraid to use it and had all the knowledge of what a Trump presidency is, not to mention what seems to me to be a more general acceptance of the Trump Reality from his own and his opposite parties that I don't recall seeing in '16 or definitely not Jan '21. I just don't foresee much being held back with 77M vs. say if he got 97M. We'll see.