You are right about that accent! I'm definitely saving that episode to listen to later. Nice dialogue with the poem and place, too.

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Like Dorothy, I, too am crying a little. But, these are tears of gratitude. The places and times in our lives DO become thresholds. Changes like these involve loss to be sure. But, the good news is that there ARE so many good memories. And, as you comment...the thresholds are rarely, if ever, changes that fall into place perfectly full of Kodak moments. I am actually changing my job at an unusual stage and crossing a different kind of threshold. A level of sadness and even a little grief...but, circumstances have called for a change and the new threshold is full of promise and purpose....so we forge ahead! So grateful to have shared this home with such an amazing family!

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Beautifully written. Life is full of memories - and thresholds.

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Beautifully written and I like your taste in poems!

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Beautiful. I was at the beach house (although not walking with you, I don't think) when you took that July 2009 photo. I was 16 when I went to the house for the first time, so my memories are actually more of the house on the other edge of The Woods where we stayed in 1996 and '97 that Grandma and Granddad based 10 Addy off of. But for me, it was always a link to Grandma, that they achieved their dream after 30 years of spending every summer there, and that despite El Nino pushing construction back a year, she lived long enough to see it, see us all there for 4th of July '99.

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I’m basically crying a little.

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