I like the options you have suggested. And to give a bit of perspective, This Day in History notes that FDR was inaugurated on this day in 1933. What the hell has happened?
FDR enshrined segregation and union-busting in federal law, attacked separation of powers, established concentration camps and defended that policy in the worst SCOTUS decision ever, agglomerated the power in the executive branch that Mr. Trump would use to establish a petty dictatorship, and was such an egomaniac that despite declining health, he was willing to risk having the least-ready person in 100 years a heartbeat from the Presidency (that Truman turned out to be a pretty good President was more dumb luck than any foresight by FDR).
Am I suggesting that FDR is as bad as Trump, or even a bad President? Absolutely not. More stating that there were no good old days. Hell, a mere 21 years ago, Dubya's SOTU, after a year of a pointless war costings tens of thousands of lives, centered on constitutionally banning same-sex marriage. Life has never been this good for this many people, in the US and especially across the globe. To lose sight of that is to surrender to myopia and defeatism, and, even worse, to give DJT what he wants.
I like the options you have suggested. And to give a bit of perspective, This Day in History notes that FDR was inaugurated on this day in 1933. What the hell has happened?
FDR enshrined segregation and union-busting in federal law, attacked separation of powers, established concentration camps and defended that policy in the worst SCOTUS decision ever, agglomerated the power in the executive branch that Mr. Trump would use to establish a petty dictatorship, and was such an egomaniac that despite declining health, he was willing to risk having the least-ready person in 100 years a heartbeat from the Presidency (that Truman turned out to be a pretty good President was more dumb luck than any foresight by FDR).
Am I suggesting that FDR is as bad as Trump, or even a bad President? Absolutely not. More stating that there were no good old days. Hell, a mere 21 years ago, Dubya's SOTU, after a year of a pointless war costings tens of thousands of lives, centered on constitutionally banning same-sex marriage. Life has never been this good for this many people, in the US and especially across the globe. To lose sight of that is to surrender to myopia and defeatism, and, even worse, to give DJT what he wants.