Our mom took me to see Little Women in the movie theatre in 1994 and it remains one of my favorites of all time. I returned the favor 10 years later and took her to the 2004 Broadway musical. I also enjoyed the 2019 movie, which I went to see when the rest of my family went to another a movie on another screen, which I also may not have been their target demo. I read about half the book but have never gotten through it, perhaps I'll try again some time.

Great post!

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I must have missed that 1994 viewing! Glad you enjoyed it. The book is great, not always “fast paced” but I don’t need any more fast pacing these days.

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Winona Ryder as Jo. Don’t miss it!

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What a house! Thank you for this. I read Little Women for the first time when I was 7/8 years old - I found my mum's old copy in her bedside cabinet and liked the cover. I was obsessed with it after that for years, and read all the sequals too. My son agreed to come and see the 2019 film when it was released - mostly because the cinema had leather recliner seats! But he really enjoyed it to his surprise - he was 12 at the time.

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Thanks so much for sharing this! I'm so happy to have been able to discover it myself later in life.

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When we were young, the four of us girls (brothers not included), often played the roles of M,J,B and A. With the exception of me as Beth, the other roles suited my sisters perfectly, particularly tomboy Jeanie. I can quote liberally from the book, and have enjoyed all of the movies. As for the book itself, I was in eighth grade and reading it stealthily beneath my desk during social studies class, at one point so entranced that when called upon by the teacher, did not respond. She walked over to my desk, removed the book from my lap, and said, “oh…so that’s why” and basically gave me a little wink. And case you think we left our brothers out of our frequent dramatic play all of the time, they were pressed into reluctant service when we acted out the Von Trapp children. Thanks for the post, Charlie.

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I loved this. Thank you.

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Oh Charlie, Thank you so much for your words! Take care, dear friend.

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