I can’t agree. I respect the idea of multiple representatives, but it’s still an inevitable that the longer people stay in a post, they gain a certain amount of power that can be yielded in the wrong direction. In addition, their own humanity can be used against them over longer periods of time. Term limits and other measures will help politicians to deal with themselves and their own vulnerabilities by having an out. There should also be a course politicians have to take so that they understand the level of responsibility they need to effectively function in congress. The level of maturity is frightening low (with so many of even the older politicians simply wanting to win their reelections) and exploitation of their posts is getting a little too common with selling stocks due to inside information as well as taking kickbacks from lobbyists. It’s sad that there are some decent ones who will need to go, but in my opinion, power corrupts. The longer you stay in there, the more power you yield and someone else has plans for that even if you don’t.

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Are there any good ideas out there, Prof?

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Too many to name, but this is my personal favorite, to start: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/11/10/opinion/house-representatives-size-multi-member.html

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